The 4 pillars for biosecurity in a duck building

Partner(s): Grimaud Frères
Industry(ies): Duck

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Biosecurity in duck buildings depends on 4 essential pillars from the cleaning of the empty building to the respect of sanitary instructions while ducks are in.

The whole preparation period before receiving the animals should follow precise sanitary rules regarding equipment, water, building. This place where the ducks will grow should be free of all types of contamination, controls should be maintained all the breeding period long.

1) An empty and clean building
a. Remove all movable equipment, empty the silo and store documents of the flock
b. Spray insecticide and remove the litter.
c. Cleaning of the building, the vestibule and the egg storage room: remove all the organic matter with a detergent. Pay attention of the water quality.
d. Management of washing water and manure.
e. Cleaning and disinfection of all the equipment.
f. Cleaning the water distribution system
g. Schedule maintenance in the building
The aim is to start a new flock in a good environment.

2) A disinfected building
a. Disinfect inside and outside the building with a liquid disinfection (caustic soda or lime)
Beginning of the sanitary “stop”.
b. Set up the building with all the equipment, clean and disinfected
c. Check that everything is working (feeding chain, light, water system, ventilation)
d. Set up the sanitary barriers (airlock 3 zones, livestock keeping, flow plan).
e. Maintenance of the surroundings (no storage, verification of bait for rodents, straw shed tightness)
f. Building dry and preheated
g. Check the breeding instructions for the incoming flock.
h. Re-install litter i. Disinfect with fumigation, 24h to 48 hours before the ducklings arrive

3) A controlled health area
a. Organize a circulation circuit around the building: fencing, gates, traffic signs, disinfection area at the entrance.
b. Establish or verify flows within the farm
 For livestock staff
 For external workers (food, gas, rendering)
Flow control avoids cross-contamination
c. Straw storage in a closed and rodent/bird-free shed
d. No food under the silo and close to the building.
e. Rodent control plan for the entire farm.

4) Maintain and Respect the instructions.
a. Respect the “clean or dirty” areas during all the breeding.
b. Provide the equipment necessary to respect the rules: clothing, soap, towel, masks, hat and shoes.
c. Inform and warn partners
d. Note the interventions, flows or any other event that may affect the health security of the site

The farmer is responsible for biosecurity on his site and must lead by example.

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