Water quality control in poultry farm

Partner(s): Grimaud Frères

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Poultry consume 3 times more water than feed. Our technical expert shares with you keypoints to control and improve farm water quality to enhace performance and wellbeing.


Loïc Fruchet, Mule duck production manager


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Origins of water

Water is vital in the diet of poultry. Indeed, they consume 3 times more water than they eat. Therefore , is the major component of the poultry diet.

Water can come from different sources:

  • The network: If you are in the drinking water distribution scheme, as part of an existing or future construction, you have the possibility to connect to the public water network. Connection fees will have to be paid to the competent authority of connection to the network
  • Drilling: If you wish to drill, the regulations are strict and must be respected. For example, the drilling head must be perfectly watertight to prevent surface runoff from contaminating the groundwater.
  • The well: Shallower and more economical, the well is a good compromise to pump water quickly. However, the quantity of water depends on the season and can be contaminated by surface water.

Water quality control

For a breeder, the important thing is to be able to ensure this quality up to the furthest point of consumption.

To control this quality, it is possible to refer to human potability standards as a reference point. This is the choice that has been made at Grimaud Frères.

Depending on the origin of the water (network, borehole or well), it may be necessary to take water samples to study its quality once or twice a year at the end of the line.

The different types of tests

Different reactive tests exist and can be used to control water quality on a daily basis:

  • Redox potential
  • End of line chlorine residual analysis
  • Peroxide strips
  • pH strips

Cleaning of the water circuit

In order to control the quality of the water in the farm, it is necessary to keep the water system clean. To do so, the water circuit must be cleaned regularly, during each sanitary vacuum. It must be meticulous and take place in 3 steps:

  1. Degreasing
  2. Descaling
  3. Disinfection

Moreover, it is important to take care of the quality of this water circuit by purging it regularly and by cleaning the troughs daily.

Finally, in the case of vitamin products or other medicated products, it is important to clean the water circuit to avoid the proliferation of biofilm

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