Grimaud Frères, a subsidiary of Groupe Grimaud, is the world leader in the genetic selection of festive poultry: Muscovy ducks, Peking ducks, Mulard ducks, grey and white Geese, Pigeons and Guinea Fowl... With subsidiaries in France, Vietnam and China, Grimaud Frères supplies grandparents, parents or commercial stock to customers in over 50 countries worldwide.

About our partner

At your side, Grimaud Frères brings you its expertise through services and content to help you achieve your performance objectives.

  • Genetic selection
  • Hatching
  • R&D – innovative technologies
  • Breeding advice
  • Technical support
  • Animal welfare
  • Zootechnical expertise




  • Articles (61)
  • Podcasts (7)
  • Services (5)
  • Technical documents (26)
  • Tutorials (27)
Grimaud Frères
rating: 5/5

Principes généraux de la sélection

Comment fonctionne la sélection animale ? Quels leviers utiliser pour que la sélection soit efficace ? Peut-on sélectionner n’importe quel caractère ?

Grimaud Frères

General principles of selection

How does animal selection work? What levers should be used to make selection effective? Is it possible to select for any trait?

Grimaud Frères

Sélection de la pintade : forces et faiblesses

La pintade, une volaille au patrimoine africain riche, un symbole d’excellence gustative grâce à une sélection génétique innovante. Découvrez les défis et opportunités d’une filière avicole française unique.

Grimaud Frères

Selecting guinea fowl: strengths and weaknesses

The guinea fowl, a poultry with a rich African heritage, a symbol of taste excellence thanks to innovative genetic selection. Discover the challenges and opportunities facing a unique French poultry industry.

Grimaud Frères

Grimaud Frères fights in heavyweight category

Pekin duck selection programs are becoming more similar to those applied for broilers. In a tough economic context the market demands more and more precocity of birds. The duck must reach...

Grimaud Frères
rating: 5/5

Genomic: accelerating genetic selection in ducks

Grimaud Frères introduced as early as in April 2021 the genomics in its major strategic ducks lines and now hatched thousands ducklings combining traditional genetics with genomics. It is a valuable...